What Is Brain Fog? Your Mental Health

Feeling foggy headed with poor concentration and a lack of clear thought, that you know you are capable of, is pretty common. Brain fog isn’t a medical problem specifically, it is a symptom that tells you something isn’t right. Like if your elbow hurts, that pain is a symptom and there might be a variety reasons why it hurts. The discomfort itself is only an indication of some underlying condition. While there may be important underlying medical conditions that should not be ignored, there may also be some simple explanations and home remedies that will get you back to normal.

With brain fog, however, I found it to be more intimidating than a sore elbow and a reminder that we often take our mental faculties for granted. We assume our minds will always work as they always have. This is what mental health is all about. And you should be nicer to your brain. You would miss it if you screwed it up. That said, you’re probably going to be just fine (at least from my nonmedical nonprofessional personal experience).

Brain Fog: Maintain Mental Health

Brain Fog Home Remedies

There are a variety of causes of brain fog, but I suspect most can be attributed to a few likely culprits. The first thing I want to point out is that this is normal. We all have days when we feel out of sorts mentally. It happens to everyone. I can usually trace back my own personal experience to some pretty basic lifestyle choices and simple solutions.

1) Get enough sleep – Sleep deprivation has been shown to cause cognitive impairment in both animals and humans. This includes memory loss and impaired decision making. If you have been burning the candle at both ends, expect it to take a toll.

2) Eat well – Your body needs fuel to function properly, so make sure you eat healthy foods. Avoid junk food and sugary or caffeinated drinks which deplete energy levels. A good diet keeps your mind working optimally. Also, plenty of water wouldn’t hurt. Think of it as a bit of a cleansing of your system.

3) Exercise regularly – Regular exercise improves blood flow and cognitive function. Making the time for exercise pays off in so many ways. Energy, motivation, better sleep and better mental health. And it is very easy to get pulled away from routines from time to time.

4) Be mindful of alcohol, drugs and medications. Yea, I know you know. It is a choice. Sometimes the answers are staring us in the face.

How Can I Tell If It’s Just Me Or Something More Serious?

If you’re experiencing any other symptoms, then you should talk to your doctor about it. Symptoms that suggest this being more serious might include: headaches, dizziness, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, constipation, abdominal pain, joint pain, muscle aches, fever, chills, cough, sore throat, runny nose, sneezing, red eyes, skin rash, mouth sores, swollen glands, fatigue, loss of appetite, weight loss, trouble sleeping, and/or difficulty concentrating.

Just because your head is foggy doesn’t mean you’re fine. But if that’s all you got, without any other apparent issues, you’re probably going to make it.

Does Brain Fog Go Away On Its Own?

Pay Attention To Your Brain Fog

My experiences with a foggy head have always gone away in a few days. This is in part from recognizing that it freaked me out a little and I started living better. If it concerns you, make a rapid shift and cut out any possible sources that might contribute. It is a sign that something is wrong, so pay attention. It does not mean you’re sick and going to die, start with just taking better care of yourself.

Should I See A Doctor About My Brain Fog?

Nobody should ever advise a concerned person to not see an expert, so I won’t. If you are experiencing symptoms that concern you, you should always reach out for medical advice (this post is not medical advice). In fact, if you are feeling a combination of symptoms such as chest pain, shortness of breath, dizziness, nausea, vomiting, or fainting, then you should reach out to your doctor right away.

I have also experienced the foggy headed feeling for as much as a week and I really did not like it. I believe there is often a reasonable explanation for the symptoms you are feeling. On several occasions, my legs have been terribly sore, and upon reflection, I was able to trace it back to the 12-mile hike I had done the day before. Have you been doing anything lately that might cause you to feel foggy?

Your doctor is not responsible for your health, you are. Have you been living in a manner that might be causing your lack of mental clarity? Doctors can’t fix your poor choices.

When Should I See A Doctor

As a young man, I rarely ever went to see a doctor unless it was serious. I have a generalized fear of doctors and hospitals that lingers to this day. Someone usually took me to the doctor or made me go. This includes and is basically limited to my mother or my wife. This is childish as well as foolish.

Know your medical plan and get your regular physical exams. Don’t make someone mother you and make you go as I did. Keep track in your journal of all the things you notice about your body that concern you, so you can learn about your physical health on regular visits. Take advantage of the opportunity to ask a lot of questions about what is happening with your body. That flaky patch of skin or that funny looking mole are probably nothing, but start learning about your physical health in general. This grows in importance as you age.

Document Mental Health Notes In Your Journal

A Mind Is A Terrible Thing To Waste

Your mental health is a real thing. Far more nuanced than simply ‘normal’ or ‘crazy’. Your mind is an amazing tool that deserves care and respect. I have had periods of brain fog at several points in my life and I can usually find the association with poor lifestyle choices. Too much alcohol, too little sleep, stress, anxiety and so on. I never thought too much about it, unless it lasted for a few days or more.

Once it lasted too long, I too started to take it seriously. I wouldn’t want to live without my mental faculties operating at least the level I had come to rely on. My goaI is to become more smart, but definitely not more dumb. I consider myself to have an above average intellect, but I am not prepared to fall on my sword by how much above average. I want to keep what I got for as long as I can, so if you fear your brain fog, make a note in your journal about respecting your mental health.

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