Dating and Developing Relationship Values

Dating and Developing Relationship Values

Relationship values and romance go hand in hand. Romantic stories start with attraction and admiration. The thrill of having a fling usually accompanies it, and then if both click, dating flourishes. But what’s dating? Dating is engaging yourself with a person to form another level of relationship with the hint of attraction, love, and intimacy….

What Is A Good Life Plan?

What Is A Good Life Plan?

Some people are pretty good planners and see clear benefit in organizing their thoughts and ambitions in life. Chances for success are dramatically improved by establishing specific goals, milestones and actions for achieving the desired outcome. Most people, however, just kind of wing it, to their detriment. I don’t think they know what a good…

Is Procrastination a Defense Mechanism?

Is Procrastination a Defense Mechanism?

Procrastination is intentionally delaying tasks that need to be completed even though you know it will come at a cost. Non-procrastinators may assume that procrastinators are lazy and not interested in getting the task done, while others may think that procrastination is a character flaw and impossible to overcome; both are wrong. So, what is…

Self-Care for Men: It Ain’t Only for Women and Sissies Anymore

Self-Care for Men: It Ain’t Only for Women and Sissies Anymore

Introduction: This idea of ‘self-care’ started floating around a number of years ago. Or at least the new name. Back in the old days, it wasn’t so cleverly labeled. We just called it taking care of yourself. Now, generally, I like giving things a name. But this one made me bristle a little. I’m not…

How To Journal: 7 Self-Help Journal Secrets I Wish I Knew in My 20s

How To Journal: 7 Self-Help Journal Secrets I Wish I Knew in My 20s

Introduction I have been journaling for most of my adult life. I jot down important ideas, funny thoughts, and observations about the behavior of myself and others. This practice developed mostly out of my own curiosity about what I do and why. It was always very informal and simple. If you want to discover how…